
Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 and aHUS/ Eculizumab/ Ravulizumab

  1. Patients with aHUS receiving Eculizumab / Ravulizumab should continue to receive their usual dose of Eculizumab/Ravulizumab during the current COVID-19 pandemic 
  2. Patients on Eculizumab Ravulizumab remain at risk of meningococcal sepsis and should continue on their prophylactic antibiotics and seek medical advice (presenting with your meningococcal risk card) if they believe they have symptoms suggestive of meningococcal sepsis 
  3. Patients in the Stopping Eculizumab Treatment Safely (SETSaHUS) should continue with standard monitoring as described in the SETS aHUS information pack 
  4. If you have previously been told by a medical professional that you are at risk of developing aHUS, standard advice about seeking medical advice with your “aHUS at-risk” card applies if you are unwell and think that you have symptoms of aHUS 

Guidance for all people about possible infection with COVID-19, including when you should seek further medical advice is summarised. 

COVID-19 Advice

If you have a possible infection with COVID-19, you should also seek further medical advice if you are:-

  • receiving eculizumab / ravulizumab and are concerned about meningococcal infection
  • not on eculizumab / ravulizumab but are “at risk” of aHUS and are worried that aHUS has been triggered

Health professionals may wish to refer to our website for further guidance about the risks associated with aHUS if required.

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