
Forms and Protocols


The following forms are for use following discussion of a case of suspected aHUS with the on-call consultant at the National aHUS Service.

Diagnostic Checklist (Referral Form)

Shared Care Protocol

aHUS Lab Diagnostics (Adults) /(Paediatrics)

Complement Genotyping

STEC Testing – (England) / (Scotland)


If you have a patient with recurrent C3G following transplantation – please contact the on-call consultant and complete the C3G checklist.


For patients on complement inhibition, follow up bloods for monitoring complement haemolytic activity can be requested

Form for patients on eculizumab / ravulizumab


Further advice can be found below once eculizumab has been recommended for your patient or if your patient is planning to switch to ravulizumab


Diagnostic Checklist (referral form)

Download diagnostic checklist here

A renal TMA can be the presenting feature in a number of other diseases and these should be excluded before a firm diagnosis of aHUS can be made. Many tests in the diagnostic checklist can be performed at the referring centre.

Please use the forms in this section for complement profile testing / ADAMTS13 measurement and STEC testing as soon as aHUS is suspected and PRIOR to plasma exchange.

Complement Testing Forms

aHUS lab diagnostics for adult patient / aHUS lab diagnostics for paediatric patient

We have established a combined aHUS lab diagnostics service in Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals that encompasses a comprehensive genetic and immunological evaluation of the complement system (that includes ADAMTS13 activity) to facilitate diagnosis of aHUS and exclusion of TTP.

Full instructions for sampling and transporting to the combined aHUS lab diagnostic services at in Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals are on the request form. This service is fully funded for patients in England and Scotland as part of the diagnostic  pathways in patients referred to the national aHUS service for consideration of Eculizumab or Ravulizumab.

Requests using these forms should be made following discussion with a consultant at the NRCTC and NOT if the patient has already (recently) received plasma products.

In certain situations, it may be more appropriate to use our complement genotyping form. If in doubt, please discuss with the on-call consultant. If you have a patient from outside of England or Scotland, we would be happy to discuss.

Other Forms

Shared Care Protocol

Download shared care protocol here

Responsibility for the care of patients in England receiving Eculizumab / Ravulizumab is shared between the National aHUS service and the referring consultant. The responsibilities of each are outlined in the shared care protocol. All clinicians must agree to the shared care protocol before eculizumab can be authorised by NHS England.

STEC testing

Download forms for STEC testing here – (England) / (Scotland)

Testing for STEC-HUS can be performed by The UK Health Security Agency Gastrointestinal bacteria reference unit (GBRU) Colindale. For patients in England, this can now be requested via the NRCTC using the form above. Simply follow the sampling instructions and send to Colindale. STEC testing is funded for patients in England and paid for by NHS England as part of the diagnostic and follow-up pathways in patients referred to the National aHUS service for consideration of Eculizumab or Ravulizumab. Similar testing where indicated should be considered for all patients where haemolytic uraemic syndrome is suspected. Screening of household members may also be indicated. For patients in Scotland, samples should be sent to the Scottish E.coli O157 / STEC Reference Laboratory Edinburgh.


In addition, it is appropriate to notify the local health protection team cases of suspected STEC – a diagnosis of HUS without positive microbiological confirmation is sufficient to warrant notification. To notify – in England – Find your local health protection team in England – GOV.UK (

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